1. Click to play Zoofari
2. Open your cheat engine for process list and choose firefox.
3. First Scan your current coins value with Hex, binary and also read memory.
4. Either purchase an item or earn some exp and click next scan for the new exp value.
5. You should be able to scan till 1 address. Double click it
6. Change the value to "1100001101010000" for 50,000 exp
7. Try to purchase any item to get the exp increase. (Please note do not change any
value other then the one i stated on this blog) As if the value exceeded your account might be
disabled. Once you get your 50,000 exp simply close your cheat engine and start clicking the
7. Remeber to click saved after that.
Firefox/IE/Google Chrome
Adobe Flash 9/10
Cheat Engine 5.6