Frontierville, a facebook game, requires a lot of interaction and activity to be successful. Like other building games, to progress quickly in Frontierville, players must check on the game regularly (at least once a day) to make sure that the property created is not run over by wild plants and animals.
To help you progress quickly in these game, take note of these frontierville tips.
You need to plant trees as often as you can. This will ensure that you will have enough materials for your buildings and also it will give you a constant supply of fruits.
Watch out for those snakes! When you hunt for snakes and defend your land against it, you get to earn more bonus items faster. You can find those snakes in their usual hiding places– in skulls.
Make yourself available for Frontierville neighbors to hire for task completions. When you get hired you of course get more Frontierville coins. When it’s your turn to do the hiring, you may want to hire people with more experience levels. These types of folks will earn you more coins.
Be on the lookout for Frontierville missions and goals. This will also earn you coins when you complete them.
Take note that except for planting crops, you will always expend energy. To get an energy boost, make sure to always visit your neighbors!
Of course the most important aspect of this game is GET MORE FRONTIERVILLE NEIGHBORS! More neighbors = more gifts!