Firefox 3.5 | InternetExplorer| G.Chrome
FP10 [Flash Player 10] [Link1] | [Link2]
CE - CE -Cheat Engine 5.5 [Link1] | [Link2]
1.Go into Nightclub city and earn some coins
2.Open Cheat Engine
3.Select Browser in Process List
4.Scan Settings [Hex, Array of Bytes, Also scan read only memory]
5.Scan "8B 55 EC 03 CA 89 88 98 00 00 00 8B 45 F8"
6.1 address returned. Disassemble it
7.Right click selected code and select 'Assemble'
8.Change "mov edx, [ebp-14]" to "mov edx, [ebp+14]"
9.Done! Enjoy!