Sunday, October 2, 2011
Cafe World - Coin Combo Cheat Tool Updated
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill Updated Cheats
Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill Cheat. Strike your enemies in Ninja Saga down with just one hit. This Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill will save you a lot of time and effort. You will breeze through the game like the tough Ninja that you are. To perform the Ninja Saga One Hit Kill Cheat right, you should follow the steps below:
Firefox 3.5
FP10 - Flash Player(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.5
Download Link:
Here then the Steps to follow:
1 Go into Ninja Saga and start mission
2 Open Cheat Engine, Process firefox.exe
3 Setting Tick (Hex, Array of bytes, ASROM)
4 Scan "89065E5BC208003B7B54"
5 1 address should returned
6 Right click the address then Select "Disassemble this memory region"
7 Right click the Selected Code and then select "Toggle Break Point" or Press [F5]
8 Go back in Ninja Saga and then hit your enemy, (The browser will now freeze)
9 Go back in CE then Click "Debug" > "Run" 1 time only
10 At the right side is the Register panel. Double click the EAX and change the value to "0"
11 Now right click the Selected Line code and select "Toggle Break Point" > "Debug" > "Run" (to unfreeze the game)
12 Now your enemy is dead (-;
13 Repeat these Steps when you in Battle, Have Fun!
Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill Updated Cheats
My Tribe Updated Money Cheats 2011
Baby Town Updated Money Cheats 2011
Zoo Paradise Updated Unlimited Decorations Cheats 2011
Zoo Paradise Latest Cheats
Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.6
Download Link:
Steps to follow:
1.Go to your zoo
2.feed your animas
3.sell any kind of animals the cheat engine that you download only in cheater's code. your firefox
6.check the code that will appear in the box
7.scan so a number will appear
8.Click disassemble memory region and make it Toggle Breakpoint Ok then a box named processes should show up
10.Back to your zoo and buy a decoration that will attract more visitors
11.Hit freeze, wait and then go to your cheat engine exc then change any amount you want. debug
14.and you will notice that your numbers in Zoo Paradise shall increase.
Zoo Paradise Updated Unlimited Decorations Cheats 2011
Mega Man 10 Updated Cheat Codes 2011
Hint: Infinite Energy Capsules
If you need more health or weapon energy, and there’s a place on any given stage where there’s a capsule sitting there for you to grab, you can easily make it reappear. Simply scroll off of the screen (preferably to another part of the stage), and then backtrack to the previous location where the capsule was located. Doing so will make the health or weapon energy capsule reappear. Repeat this process as needed to refill your health and weapon energy.
Colin Moriarty
Hint: Thunder Beam Trick
There’s an interesting glitch in the game when using Elec Man’s weapon, the Thunder Beam. If you shoot it and then press Select (to pause the game), you’ll allow the beam to strike an enemy more than once. Press Select constantly as a beam is shot, and a lone Thunder Beam can theoretically kill any enemy with a simple strike (such as Ice Man, the Rock Monster, or Mega Man’s clone). Give it a try. It’s cheap, but extremely effective.
Colin Moriarty
Hint: Boss Order/Weaknesses
The first Mega Man game is like the rest of the classic series, in that when an enemy Robot Master (boss) is defeated, you gain their weapon. Therefore, going through the six Robot Masters in Mega Man in a certain order will work to your advantage. Here is the order we recommend:
Bomb Man - Use Mega Buster (also weak to Fire Storm)
Guts Man - Use Hyper Bombs
Cut Man - Use Super Arm and Mega Buster
Elec Man - Use Rolling Cutters
Ice Man - Use Thunder Beam*
Fire Man - Use Ice Slasher
After defeating the original six Robot Masters, you’ll gain access to Dr. Wily’s fortress. Here, you will run into more bosses, and knowing their weaknesses will also help you out.
Rock Monster - Use Thunder Beam*
Mega Man Clone - Use Thunder Beam*
Bubble Machine - Use Mega Buster and Super Arm
Dr. Wily (1) - Use Fire Storm
Dr. Wily (2) - Use Thunder Beam*
* - See the associated hint called Thunder Beam Trick for especially easy skills.
Wild Ones Updated Money Cheats 2011
Wild Ones Latest Money Cheats
Firefox/IE/Google Chrome
Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.6
Download Link:
Steps to follow:
1.Open your Firefox or your Google Chrome and
2.Go to your Facebook account go to your application in
3.Wild Ones and go to shop and look a cowboy hat is just only cost 99 then
4.then open your Cheat Engine 5.5 and Click process then go back to
5.Copy your Gold Coins then open your cheat engine after you click process find
6.your browser your using like Firefox.exe and Googlechrome.exe
7.You can see in your cheat engine the VALUE TYPE Change it to "Double"
8.then type your coins number in the VALUE then
9.Check the small box said "Also scan read only memory" First Scan.
10.Then you can your coins change! next is to
11.repeat again type the coins number that has change in wild ones
12.Click Next Scan then then you see the "Found tool bar" under it just Click it
13.Click Below that appears UNDER the Frozen table
14.change it to 9999 then go to Wild Ones and Click the sreen
you can see your coins has Change you have the amount in wild ones
Wild Ones Updated Money Cheats 2011
Kingdom of Camelot Updated Money Cheats 2011
Kingdom of Camelot Unlimited Cheats Easy Money
Adobe Flash Download here
Cheat Engine 5.6
Download here:
Steps to follow:
1.go to your browser and Open your Firefox 2 and Go to your
2.Facebook account go to Application in Kingdoms of Camelot then
3.and go to your Field and Build more Farm and sawmill your Cheat Engine v5.5 then Click process and find
5.your browser like Firefox then press ok and go back to
6.Kingdoms of Camelot go to Field and you can see your cash and just Copy it
7.then put it into the value bar in Kingdoms of Camelot money
8.this will only take affect repeat again if not And click First Scan then
9.go to Kingdoms of Camelot and Make some Quest
10.Them After your Coins has deducted copy it again and Paste into the
11.Cheat Engine And Click new Scan you there will be an address in the right side
12.upper corner and at the last address Click it then. Check the small box the
13.Click ok and Change your Coins what you want to change.
14.After that Click anywhere in the Screen Kingdoms of Camelot
15.Now you have The increase of your coins.
Kingdom of Camelot Updated Money Cheats 2011
Fish Wrangler Updated Cheats 2011
Fish Wrangler Updated Money Cheats
Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.6
Download Link:
Steps to follow:
1.go to your browser and Open your Firefox 2
2.and Go to your Facebook account go to Application in Fish Wrangler
3.Catch some fish and wait a little while for the fish to load your Cheat Engine v5.4 then Click process and find
5.your browser like Firefox then press ok and go back to
6.go to Fish Wrangler where you can see your cash and just Copy it
7.then put it into the value bar in the cheat Engine First Scan then and wait
9.go to Fish Wrangler and catch again some fish then
10.Them After your Coins has change copy it again and Paste into the
11.Cheat Engine And Click new Scan you there will be an address in the right side
12.upper corner and at the last address Click it then. Check the small box the
13.Click ok and Change your Coins what you want to change.
14.After that Click anywhere in the Screen can now see your coins has change.
Fish Wrangler Updated Cheats 2011
Fish Isle Updated Cheats 2011
Fish Isle - Speed Hack and Get Jolly Traveler Medal Latest Cheat
Fish Isle Updated Cheats 2011
Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.5
Download Link:
At the current moment, there is no limit to visit your friends in Fish Isle. So get a mouse recorder, record clicks on 1 friends and let it run. You will easily get the highest Jolly Traveller Green Medal
Also, speedhack is allowed in the game, highest value i have tried without getting disconnected is 10. So have fun harvesting the fishes!
1. Go into Fish Isle
2. Select browser in Cheat Engine 5.5
3. Enable speedhack, change value to 10
4. Turbo speed fishing!
Fish Isle Updated Cheats 2011
Farmville Mystery Box Item Updated Cheats
Farmville Mystery Box Item Latest Cheats
Cheat Engine 5.5
Download Link:
1.Open Cheat Engine
2.Log in facebook then Login, Enter Farmville (Let it Load)
3.Open Market place,Choose Decorationm, buy Halebaym (Dont place it yet)
4.Go back to Cheat Engine, look for "", right-click on the FIRST "gateway.php" and choose "Breakpoints".
5.Now go to Farmville, put Haybale directly into Storage
6.In Charles, An new tab will pop up. click on Edit Response then click AMF below
7.look for the word haybale and change it into item you want.
Farmville Mystery Box Item Updated Cheats
ZOOFARI Coin and EXP Updated Cheat
ZOOFARI Coin and EXP Latest Cheat/Hack
Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.5
Download Link:
1. Go into Zoofari
2. Select flock in ce5.5
3. Change value type to 'binary', tick ASROM, select decimal
4. Scan current coin value
5. Get some coins or spend some coins
6. NEXT scan new coin value
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 till 1 address remains.
8. Change the value to "1100001101010000" (this gives you 50k)
9.Then buy something. To reflect the changes in coin/exp.
note:Same steps on EXP.
ZOOFARI Coin and EXP Updated Cheat
Tower Blocks Score Updated Cheats
Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.5
Download Link:
1. Open the game and Cheat Engine
2. Then earn one point (Put a block)
3. In cheat engine (Hex, 8bytes, asroma)
4. And scan this code 08E9000000C8808B
5. Click the result obtained (Dissamble this memory region)
6. Right click the address and (Replace With Code That Does Nothing
7. That's it!
Tower Blocks Score Updated Cheats
Casino City Money Updated Cheat
Casino City Money Latest Cheat
Cheat Engine 5.6
Download Link:
Steps to follow:
1.Open Casino City
2.Open Cheat Engine and select your browser.
3.Use your mouse and point to any gambling game, it will show you ”AAA/BBBB” like below example “408/2000″
4.Tick the “Enable Speedhack” and change the value to “0″ then click “Apply” to pause the game so the value “408″ will not change.
5.Scan the “AAA” value.
6.If more then 1 result return, repeat step 4 and step 5 untill 1 is result return. (Remember to change the speed 1.0 in order to increase the “AAA” value.
7.Double click on the result and it will record at the bottom.
8.Right click the result at the bottom and select “set a hotkey”
9.Click on the first raw and press “+” button from your keyboard.
10.Click on the third raw and key-in your “BBBB” value.
11.Back to Casino City
12.Press the “+” button.
13.Collect the coins.
14.Repeat step 12 and step 13 untill you rich. Enjoy.
Casino City Money Updated Cheat
Heroes of Newerth Updated Map Hack Cheat
Heroes of Newerth Latest Map Hack Cheat
Heroes of Newerth Map Hack Cheat. FAHYK7YUXTUK Heroes of Newerth is games based on the Warcraft III scenario Defense of the Ancients. Now, you will get information about Heroes of Newerth Map Hack Cheat.
Cheat Engine
Download Link:
Steps to follow:
1.Download HoNMaphack.v7 [ Download Link ]
2.Start HoN
3.Run HoNMaphack.exe
4.Switch back to HoN
5.Join any game
6.Press Home/Pos1 button to toggle it on/off. It’s off by default.
Heroes of Newerth Updated Map Hack Cheat
NightClub City Coins and EXP Updated Cheat
NightClub City Coins and EXP Latest Cheat
NightClub City Coins and EXP Cheat.NightClub City Cheats for Facebook Game.Level 35 and extremely rich using NightClub City Coins and EXP Cheat.NightClub City Coins and EXP Cheat Credits: dfspeter.Tested & Working as at 19/4/2010
Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.6
Download Link:
Steps to follow:
1.Click to play Nightclub City
2.Earn some exp and coins
3.Open cheat engine and select browser in process list
4.Change value to Array of Bytes, Tick Also scan read-only mem, Tick Hex
5.Scan “89818C0000008B41″ 1 address returned
6.Right click and Disassemble mem region
7.Right click selected line and select ‘Toggle Breakpoint’
8.After a while, the game and browser and probably this page will freeze. So open the steps in another browser.
9.Change the value of both ESI and EDX to ‘99999999′ (located in top right corner, red memory region)
10.Right click the selected line again (step 7) and select Toggle Breakpoint
11.Click Debug > Play and the browser,game will unfreeze
12.You will now be level 35 and extremely rich. Have fun.
Additional Coin cheat:
1.Do the basic scan of current coins at 4bytes.
2.Then earn some coins and next scan new value
3.Till one address remains.
4.Change the value to any amount. Saves and Refreshable.
NightClub City Coins and EXP Updated Cheat
Restaurant City Quiz, Ingredients and Recipe UpdatedCheat
Restaurant City Quiz, Ingredients and Recipe Latest Cheat
Restaurant City Quiz, Ingredients and Recipe Updated Cheat.Cheats for Restaurant City Facebook Game. Use Restaurant City Quiz, Ingredients and Recipe Cheat for Restaurant City Facebook Game.Restaurant City Quiz, Ingredients and Recipe Cheat Credits: fREE2SW4U
Internet Explorer /Chrome
Fiddler 2 (Download here)
Cheat Engine
Download Link:
Steps to follow:
1.You must have food quiz.
2.Clear your browser cache.
3.Open Fiddler
4.Under Autoresponder tab click ‘Add’
5.Copy “regex:(?insx)^.*quiz\.bin$” and paste into ‘Rule Editor’
6.Beside Save button click “▼” then click ‘find a file’.
7.Select “quiz.bin” that you just downloaded then click save.
8.Under Autoresponder tab click ‘Add’ again
9.Copy “regex:(?insx)^.*ingredient\.bin$” and paste into ‘Rule Editor’
10.Beside Save button click “▼” then click ‘find a file’.
11.Select any ingredients bin file that you just downloaded then click save.
12.Now you can start you retaurant city and get your ingredients from Food Quiz.
Restaurant City Quiz, Ingredients and Recipe UpdatedCheat
You will need JAVA to be able to run Charles.
Download Link:
1. After installing Charles, make sure the proxy is recording so just follow these settings in the screenshot.
2. Once Charles is recording, just load your game and you will be able to see the game's url in the Structure Tab.
3. Just clicking on the [+] will expand the url and you can see the activities. I will usually guide you guys to finding the appropriate URLS and Activities so do not worry.
4. As an example, if you have just claimed some coins by executing an action, there are times when you can use Charles to repeat these actions thousands of times and repeatedly gain the coins and exp easily. You can do this by right clicking the activity and selecting 'Repeat Advanced'
5.Fill in the number of Iterations and Concurrency. Iterations means number of rounds you want the activity to be repeated. Concurrency means the number of times that particular activity will be executed at the same time. I would recommend 1000 Iterations and 10 Concurrency most of the time.
6. You can also use Charles to edit certain games databases. The following steps teaches you that!
7. Instead of selecting Repeat Advanced, you can select "Breakpoints" which pauses the game at a certain key point of the loading giving you access to the database.
8. A Breakpoint tab will appear and critical activities will appear. You can click EXECUTE to continue loading or sometimes an "Edit Response" tab will appear and you can change certain values there.
9. The following screenshot shows you some of the important features that I will mention. You can usually edit the database straight from the AMF (Action Message Format). Some of my old cheats used this feature to edit coins, cash, experience, weapons, nearly everything in the database. Developers are getting smarter though and will attempt to block such database editing.
10. Always remember to go back to the Session tab and remove the Breakpoints by right clicking the activity again and selecting 'Breakpoints' Make sure the breakpoint tab is completed executed/canceled away first.
Hope this helps you understand Charles application better. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments.
Pet Society Updated Glitter Apple Cheat
Pet Society Latest Glitter Apple Cheat
Pet Society Glitter Apple.Pet Society Glitter Apple Facebook Game. Use Pet Society Glitter Apple For Pet Society Facebook Game from Playfish.Pet Society Glitter Apple Credit:Khoa Nguyen
Chrome / IE
Fiddler 2 (Download here)
[Download Link]
Steps to follow:
1.Open Fiddler
2.Go into Pet Society. Once loaded, find for this line in Fiddler.
3.Right click them > Copy URL and go to Autoresponder and click ‘Add’. regex:(?
4.Now replace the database.dat with the GlitterAppleFixdatabase.dat that you just downloaded.
5.Click SAVE
6.Clear Cache, Load PS, open the horrible gift and SELL IT! The game should work now.
Pet Society Updated Glitter Apple Cheat
CAFE Cafe World COMBO TOOLS Updated JAN. 4, 2010
CAFE Cafe World COMBO TOOLS Latest JAN. 4, 2010
Tools needed:
* firefox
*Cheat Engine
Download Link:
Steps to follow:
1. Select your Browser
2. Enter in cafe world
3. Loading the game, press START
4. Wait for retrieving Facebook ID
5. after getting the ID , You can start changing the money/CP by clicking $$$/CP button .
* The game coins will be updated after game client send refresh
* request to server. Usually takes 30 seconds.
* if the game client pop-up any kind of windows. Please close it.You won't see any COINS' update unless you close the pop-up window. (Although CWCheat sent COINS command to Cafe World server already.)
CAFE Cafe World COMBO TOOLS Updated JAN. 4, 2010
Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.6
Download Link:
Steps to follow:
1.Pet society and open Cheat Engine
2.Select your browser.
3.Brush the pet few times. then go to the cheat engine
4.5D8B000002DD840F scan this code (Hex, 8byts, asroma)
5.Disassemble then Right click (Replace code that does nothing..)
6.Now this code 000220878BD07D8B Scan (Hex, 8bytes, asroma)
7.We got a line and Disassemble then right click (Replace code that does nothing..)
8.And last scan this code 0F84BB0000008B5DF88B (hex, array of Bytes, asroma)
9.Disassemble then right click (Replace code that does nothing..)
10.Brush your pet. Happy cheating.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Farm Town Facebook Cheats For Free Cows
1) please contact down until you find the comments area, which looks like the image below and click on the button that says “Connect”, which is highlighted in red in the image:
2) We will see a pop-up which will not require permission to access his Facebook profile, for what must click on the button that says “Allow”, which is located in the lower right corner, as see in the image:
I hope they have been useful Warstorm this little trick to get more friends. Do not forget to share with your friends by clicking the following button: so that they too can increase your list of friends in this wonderful game online.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Lost Planet 2 NGP Unveiling Video Amazing
NGP Hands On Impressions (PSP2) Rock's!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Ninja Saga Instant Mission Full exp, Coins
Tools (List of softwares can be downloaded here) Ninja Saga Instant Mission Full exp, Coins
- Firefox 3.5.5 (Windows) –
- Fiddler2 –
- Ninja Saga Instant Mission -
Steps: Ninja Saga Instant Mission Full exp, Coins
- Open Fiddler2.
- Go to Autoresponder. Check the options “Enable automatic responses” And “Permit passthrough for unmatched requests”.
- Click ADD.
- Select the line that appears and change the “StringToMatch” to REGEX:(?insx).*mission_2\.swf$.
- In the textfield beside the save button, select Find A File and browser to the mission2.swf that you have just downloaded.
- Click ADD.
- Select the line that appears and change the “StringToMatch” to REGEX:(?insx).*data_library_en\.swf$.
- In the textfield beside the save button, select Find A File and browser to the data_library_en.swf that you have just downloaded.
- Now just clear your browser cache..
- Enter Ninja Saga and do any missions. It should be instantly completed”.
CityVille Building Cheats Complete Cash Instant
Well, this cash cheat allows you to COMPLETE your buildings without having to send friends’ requests. The cash will not be saved but the building will be saved when completed. Community buildings to increase population cap will all require this cash cheat, so have fun as it works, as shown in my video. You CANNOT purchase cash buildings as there will be an error. Only works for community recruitment.
Tools (List of softwares can be downloaded here)
- Charles Web Proxy Debugging Installer + Crack –
- Firefox 3.5.5 (Windows) –
- Open Charles
- Enter CityVille
- Go to Charles first and find the line ““
- Expand it and you will see ‘flashservices/‘
- Expand and you will see a lot of gateway.php(FlashService…)
- Right click any of the gateway.php and select “Breakpoints“
- Now, reload CityVille.
- A Breakpoint tab will appear in Charles.
- Press EXECUTE once.
- Another breakpoint will appear with an Edit Request tab
- Expand everything till you can see your own profile with the number of coins and cash that you have. (watch video to understand this step better)
- Change the cash value to 100
- Go back to your session tab and remove the breakpoint.
- Go back to the breakpoint tab and Click Execute
- The game will now load and you should see your new cash. Spend them on the community buildings now as they will disappear. CityVille Building Cheats Complete Cash Instant