Sunday, October 2, 2011

Cafe World - Coin Combo Cheat Tool Updated

Cafe World - Coin Combo Cheat Tool Updated

a) Programs needed- For this cheat, you will need the following 2 programs - Both are free :)

1) Coin Combo Cheat Tool *Updated (Download here)

2) Any Internet Browser

b) Step-by-Step Guide

1) Start up the Coin Combo Cheat Tool.

2) Click the Browser Type you are using for the game.

3) Start up the Internet browser and log into your Facebook account, then your Cafe World Game.

4) While the Cafe World Game is loading, click on the Start Button. Wait for the program to retrieve the FB ID.

5) Once the FB ID is populated with some numbers (That would be your Facebook ID :)), go Visit a neighbor and Eat the food.

6) The FN ID will now be populated with your friend ID. Click the CP Button. That's it! Every 30 seconds, you will see the coin and experience amount increasing. Enjoy!

*Note: If there are any pop up windows in the game such as the Welcome Back Window, do close it or else you won't be able to see the Coins Update.

Cafe World - Coin Combo Cheat Tool Updated

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill Updated Cheats

Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill Cheat

Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill Cheat. Strike your enemies in Ninja Saga down with just one hit. This Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill will save you a lot of time and effort. You will breeze through the game like the tough Ninja that you are. To perform the Ninja Saga One Hit Kill Cheat right, you should follow the steps below:


Firefox 3.5
FP10 - Flash Player(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.5
Download Link:

Here then the Steps to follow:

1 Go into Ninja Saga and start mission

2 Open Cheat Engine, Process firefox.exe

3 Setting Tick (Hex, Array of bytes, ASROM)

4 Scan "89065E5BC208003B7B54"

5 1 address should returned

6 Right click the address then Select "Disassemble this memory region"

7 Right click the Selected Code and then select "Toggle Break Point" or Press [F5]

8 Go back in Ninja Saga and then hit your enemy, (The browser will now freeze)

9 Go back in CE then Click "Debug" > "Run" 1 time only

10 At the right side is the Register panel. Double click the EAX and change the value to "0"

11 Now right click the Selected Line code and select "Toggle Break Point" > "Debug" > "Run" (to unfreeze the game)

12 Now your enemy is dead (-;

13 Repeat these Steps when you in Battle, Have Fun!
Ninja Saga 1 Hit Kill Updated Cheats

My Tribe Updated Money Cheats 2011

My Tribe Latest Money Cheats


Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.6
Download Link:

Steps to follow:

1.go to your browser and Open your Firefox 2 and Go to your Facebook account

2.go to Application in My Tribe simulation game

3.go and harvest some or your crops or drag one people to collect trees your Cheat Engine v5.6 then Click process and find

5.Firefox.exe and then press ok and go back to

6.The one you will need to out in the amount the amount of pearl example you have 12

7.the cheat here is that it will not make your money pearl high it will just going to

8.multiply by two. You can see in your cheat engine the VALUE TYPE Change it to "Double"

9.Check the small box said "Also scan read only memory" First Scan.

10.After Scanning you can see it change a little then next is to

11.Click Next Scan then then you see the "Found tool bar" under it just Click it

12.Click Below that appears UNDER the Frozen table the small box

13.if you can see some change your pearl money will be times Two

14.this will not save in your game you need to buy the things you need in My Tribe

My Tribe Updated Money Cheats 2011

Baby Town Updated Money Cheats 2011


Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.6

Steps to follow:

1.Open FireFox browser and Go to your facebook then

2.and go to your application in Fish Friends and after that

3.go to store and buy some Fish and Put it into your Tank then

4.make money with your plant that is ready to collect and open your cheat engine v5.5

5.and click process and go to Browser and find FireFox.exe

6.and press ok then go Fish Friends then Copy the amount

7.of coins Copy it and paste it the cheat Engine v5.5 Value Bar

8.and Click First Scan and Go to Fish Friends and go to Store and Buy some

9.Fish or decoration or Plants just only One you purchase

10.then go back to your cheat engine v5.5 you look for the Found Address Bar

11.go back to Fish Friends you can see that your money has been deducted

12.when you buy the Fish or decoration and plants Copy again your money and new Scan and Under the Found bar Click the last address and you can see the

14.the small box just click it. go back again in the Fish Friends check if it froze and click the

15.screen then buy some Fish in the store again, now you can see your coins has Change.

Baby Town Updated Money Cheats 2011

Zoo Paradise Updated Unlimited Decorations Cheats 2011

Zoo Paradise Latest Cheats


Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.6
Download Link:

Steps to follow:

1.Go to your zoo

2.feed your animas

3.sell any kind of animals the cheat engine that you download only in cheater's code. your firefox

6.check the code that will appear in the box

7.scan so a number will appear

8.Click disassemble memory region and make it Toggle Breakpoint Ok then a box named processes should show up

10.Back to your zoo and buy a decoration that will attract more visitors

11.Hit freeze, wait and then go to your cheat engine exc then change any amount you want. debug

14.and you will notice that your numbers in Zoo Paradise shall increase.

Zoo Paradise Updated Unlimited Decorations Cheats 2011

Mega Man 10 Updated Cheat Codes 2011

Mega Man 10 Latest Cheat Codes

Hint: Infinite Energy Capsules

If you need more health or weapon energy, and there’s a place on any given stage where there’s a capsule sitting there for you to grab, you can easily make it reappear. Simply scroll off of the screen (preferably to another part of the stage), and then backtrack to the previous location where the capsule was located. Doing so will make the health or weapon energy capsule reappear. Repeat this process as needed to refill your health and weapon energy.
Colin Moriarty

Hint: Thunder Beam Trick

There’s an interesting glitch in the game when using Elec Man’s weapon, the Thunder Beam. If you shoot it and then press Select (to pause the game), you’ll allow the beam to strike an enemy more than once. Press Select constantly as a beam is shot, and a lone Thunder Beam can theoretically kill any enemy with a simple strike (such as Ice Man, the Rock Monster, or Mega Man’s clone). Give it a try. It’s cheap, but extremely effective.
Colin Moriarty
Hint: Boss Order/Weaknesses

The first Mega Man game is like the rest of the classic series, in that when an enemy Robot Master (boss) is defeated, you gain their weapon. Therefore, going through the six Robot Masters in Mega Man in a certain order will work to your advantage. Here is the order we recommend:

Bomb Man - Use Mega Buster (also weak to Fire Storm)
Guts Man - Use Hyper Bombs
Cut Man - Use Super Arm and Mega Buster
Elec Man - Use Rolling Cutters
Ice Man - Use Thunder Beam*
Fire Man - Use Ice Slasher

After defeating the original six Robot Masters, you’ll gain access to Dr. Wily’s fortress. Here, you will run into more bosses, and knowing their weaknesses will also help you out.

Rock Monster - Use Thunder Beam*
Mega Man Clone - Use Thunder Beam*
Bubble Machine - Use Mega Buster and Super Arm
Dr. Wily (1) - Use Fire Storm
Dr. Wily (2) - Use Thunder Beam*

* - See the associated hint called Thunder Beam Trick for especially easy skills.
Mega Man 10 Updated Cheat Codes 2011

Wild Ones Updated Money Cheats 2011

Wild Ones Latest Money Cheats


Firefox/IE/Google Chrome
Adobe Flash 9/10(Download here)
Cheat Engine 5.6
Download Link:

Steps to follow:

1.Open your Firefox or your Google Chrome and

2.Go to your Facebook account go to your application in

3.Wild Ones and go to shop and look a cowboy hat is just only cost 99 then

4.then open your Cheat Engine 5.5 and Click process then go back to

5.Copy your Gold Coins then open your cheat engine after you click process find

6.your browser your using like Firefox.exe and Googlechrome.exe

7.You can see in your cheat engine the VALUE TYPE Change it to "Double"

8.then type your coins number in the VALUE then

9.Check the small box said "Also scan read only memory" First Scan.

10.Then you can your coins change! next is to

11.repeat again type the coins number that has change in wild ones

12.Click Next Scan then then you see the "Found tool bar" under it just Click it

13.Click Below that appears UNDER the Frozen table

14.change it to 9999 then go to Wild Ones and Click the sreen
you can see your coins has Change you have the amount in wild ones

Wild Ones Updated Money Cheats 2011




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